Friday, August 28, 2009

Operation retrieval complete

Yesterday we had the retrieval and I am happy to announce that 12 embryos were retrieved!. Of the 12, 10 have fertilized! The docs were surprised there weren't more to retrieve, but I guess I was beginning to ovulate. Timing is definitely of the essence in this process. The 10 were taken from the left ovary and 2 from the right. I woke up in pretty bad pain and the bloat hasn't subsided at all. I guess I should just suck it up and take stock out in everything elastic.

With my four leaf clover in hand I anxiously awaited my turn. There was one other woman who was before me. I must say it is kind of odd being on the other side of a sheet of another IVF'er. The anxiety is all that much more. I guess the first thing everyone asks when they wake up is "how many?" I know because not only did she ask, but my husband said that was the first thing out of my mouth as well.

All in all the process wasn't so bad. I was sedated and I woke up in pain, that is about as much as I can remember. We are hoping our little embies continue to grow over the weekend. Funny how they say be prepared for a call in the morning on Sunday, Tuesday or Wednesday. We would like to be able to go to a 5-6 day transfer but we will take it as it comes.

Lastly, I lied. I am not done with all the poking and prodding. I forgot about the progesterone suppositories. I refuse to discuss this because for once I don't have many words other than gross, disgusting and diaper.

Here is a pic of me right before I was wheeled into the cold room. My friend found the four leaf clover in her yard and mailed it off just in time. I found a cute frame for 3 bucks at Micheal's and used a glue dot to stick it to a square of our wedding invitation. I love it!

My hubby took my pic and I must say he really is an amazing man. I am blessed to have him. Before I could even ask "how many" he was already fixing my hair and telling me he loved me. Really that makes it all that much easier.


  1. IVF twins ;) you made me chuckle out loud. i love that! happy for both of us with our 10 little embies growing. here's to smooth transfers & quick 2 week waits!!

  2. Congrats! 10 is a truly great number. Good luck!

  3. 10 is perfect, right? :) Good luck - sending lots of positive thoughts & vibes!!!

  4. Great retrieval! Hoping for continued growth of embies!

  5. Thats a great number, good luck!

  6. 10 out of 12 is fantastic brooke. i love the 4 leaf you can be creative when you are constantly getting poked and prodded is beyond me :)

  7. ps...the comment above was me, just not logged in!

  8. Good luck cannot wait to hear how the transfer goes!!!

  9. I'm so happy for you and your husband! YAY!!!! YIPPEE!!! Happy dance! :)

    He sounds like an amazing man.

    Oh, yuck, the progesterone suppositories... those suck big time, BUT I'll take those any day over the 1.5 inch needle some women have to do daily for the entire first trimester! Ouch!

    Cheers XOXO,
