I need to update on the not so fun "shot clinic" and take some pics of all the great goopy things that come in the mail. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my hubby. He went to visit some family in Utah and I haven't seen him in over a week, keeps the marriage fresh! He definitely needed a trip to prepare for what lies ahead when the great wrath of Brooke takes over. Yes I said my real name.
So I will follow up as soon as I can but it looks like my calendar is booked the month of August. Finally!!
8/10 Half way through Lupron, Last BCP
8/14 Ultrasound
8/17 Gonadotropin injections start
8/21 Ultrasound, E level monitoring
8/23 Ultrasound, more poking and prodding, hopefully HCG injection around this time as well.
As most of you know this is a lot more complicated than the above, but I rather make it look like a short list then the long one it really is.
I also want to give a shout out to my beautiful parents who on 8/1/09 celebrate their 39th anniversary. They are why I believe in respect, love and commitment. I love these peeps!!
Everyone have a wonderful weekend! Ciao for now
Just found your blog. I'm currently going through IVF myself. Feel free to stop by my blog any time if you have any questions during your cycle. My transfer is tomorrow!